Dr. Kunihiro Nagano
Assistant Professor Institute of Particle and Nuclear studies High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Email: knagano.at.kek.jp
March 2011
I obtained my Ph.D from University of Tokyo in 1999, by the thesis on measurement of charged current deep inelastic scattering (DIS) [1] cross section with the ZEUS detector at HERA.
I continued researches on various topics inelectron-proton (ep) scatterings at HERA, amongst which are: determination of parton distribution function (PDF) by QCD analysis [2], measurement of londitudinal structure function (FL) [3], measurement of DIS cross sections at very high momentum transfer regime, electro-weak physics in polarized ep collisions, and so on. I served as a convener of physics groups in the ZEUS experiment over several years.
Then, I started my research in the ATLAS experiment at LHC. I have been working on higher-level trigger system of the ATLAS, and is serving as a deputy convener of the ATLAS muon trigger group.
For my lectures, I am planning to make an overview from an experimental point of view, namely to cover essential QCD topics in view of LHC physics [4] and recent results from ATLAS and CMS [5].
Do you want to know more?
[1]. R.Devenish, A.M.Cooper-Sarkar, Deep Inelastic Scattering, Oxford University Press;
[2].H1 and ZEUS Collaborations; Combined Measurement and QCD Analysis of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Sections at HERA, JHEP01 (2010) 109, 11/09
[3]. H1 Collaboration; Measurement of the Inclusive ep^{+-} Scattering Cross Section at High Inelasticity y and of the Structure Function FL Eur.Phys.J.C71 (2011) 1579, 12/10
[4]. R. Keith Ellis, W. J. Stirling, B. R. Webber, QCD and collider physics, Cambridge University Press;
[5]. ECOLE DE PHYSIQUE des Houches, Winter Workshop on Recent QCD Advances at the LHC, 13-18 February 2011