Dr. Yoshimasa Kurihara
Associate Professor Institute of Particle and Nuclear studies High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Email: yoshimasa.kurihara.at.kek.jp
My main research field is calculations of scattering amplitudes based on the quantum field theory. We performed many precise calculations of cross sections for signal and background processes expected to be observed by the LHC experiments or future linear colliders. A calculation method based on Feynman-diagrams is well established, however often requires large scale calculations for the processes with large number of final state particles. Moreover higher order corrections for such processes based on the loop-diagrams require even more lengthy calculations. It is impossible to do by human hand only. We are developing an automatic system to calculate Feynman amplitude not only for tree diagrams but also loop-diagrams, named GRACE. Now we can perform one-loop corrections for the electro-weak standard model, QCD, and minimal SUSY standard model automatically using the GRACE system. Event generators, which generate four-vectors of all final particles according to the precise predictions based on the scattering-amplitudes generated by GRACE, are also developed. Those event generators are used by the experimentalists of LEP and LHC experiments.
My lecture: I will give a lecture about a Monte Carlo simulation methods widely used in the high energy physics. Students may make simple event generation programs using Mathematica or Maxima.