Dr. Jérôme Baudot
IPHC - Universite de Strasbourg Dpt Recherche Subatomique 23 rue du Loess, BP28, F-67037 Strasbourg France tel +33 (0)3 88 10 66 32 / fax +33 (0)3 88 10 62 34 Email:
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I obtained my PhD in 1997 on studying electroweak physics with the DEPHI detector at the LEP e+e- collider. During these years, my activity was entirely devoted to data analysis. But considering particle physics requires contribution in different fields, I devoted the following 5 years to design and built a silicon strip detector for the STAR experiment at the RHIC heavy ion collider. And then I dipped back to data analysis with the STAR data to study thermo-hydro-dynamics of quantum chromodynamics (often called quark gluon plasma study). Since 2006, I have joined the group in Strasbourg who pioneered the usage of CMOS pixel sensor for tracking charged particles bringing unprecedented performances in this domain. We are now involved in several upgrades of running experiments: STAR at RHIC, ALICE at LHC, BES III at BEPC and in developments for future accelerators: ILC, CLIC, SuperB, and FAIR. Also we explore how this device may bring "new eyes" to other sciences by detecting single photons, X-rays, electrons, protons or ions. My lecture intends to provide an overview of all activities involved by tracking and vertexing with a special emphasis on the description of detection systems and not only detection techniques. We will explore the strategy of several experiments, discover their detectors and the algorithm that allows to transform series of electronics signals into intelligible objects like tracks and vertex. Our conclusion will focus on the performances obtained by present systems and expected by future ones.
Do you want to know more?
[1]. J.Baudot, Future of Low Mass Pixel Systems with MAPS, PoS(VERTEX 2010)001.
[2]. C.Hu-Guo et al., First reticule size MAPS with digital output and integrated zero suppression for the EUDET-JRA1 beam telescope, Nucl.Instr.Meth. A 623(2010)480-482.
[3]. J.Baudot et al., Photon detection with CMOS sensors for fast imaging, Nucl.Instr.Meth. A 604(2009)111.
[4]. The STAR collaboration, Strange and Multi-strange Particle Production in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}=62.4 GeV, hys. Rev. C 83(2011)024901.
[5]. The STAR collaboration, Experimental and Theoretical Challenges in the Search for the Quark Gluon Plasma: The STAR Collaboration's Critical Assessment of the Evidence from RHIC Collisions, Nucl. Phys. A 757(2005)102.
[6]. L.Arnold, et al., The STAR silicon strip detector (SSD), Nucl.Instr.Meth. A 499(2003)652-658.
[7]. The DELPHI collaboration, Measurements of the Z Partial Decay Width into c\bar c and Multiplicity of Charm Quarks per b Decay, E.Phys.J.C12 (2000) 225
IPHC - Universite de Strasbourg Dpt Recherche Subatomique 23 rue du Loess, BP28, F-67037 Strasbourg France tel +33 (0)3 88 10 66 32 / fax +33 (0)3 88 10 62 34 I obtained my PhD in 1997 on studying electroweak physics with the DEPHI detector at the LEP e+e- collider. During these years, my activity was entirely devoted to data analysis. But considering particle physics requires contribution in different fields, I devoted the following 5 years to design and built a silicon strip detector for the STAR experiment at the RHIC heavy ion collider. And then I dipped back to data analysis with the STAR data to study thermo-hydro-dynamics of quantum chromodynamics (often called quark gluon plasma study). Since 2006, I have joined the group in Strasbourg who pioneered the usage of CMOS pixel sensor for tracking charged particles bringing unprecedented performances in this domain. We are now involved in several upgrades of running experiments: STAR at RHIC, ALICE at LHC, BES III at BEPC and in developments for future accelerators: ILC, CLIC, SuperB, and FAIR. Also we explore how this device may bring "new eyes" to other sciences by detecting single photons, X-rays, electrons, protons or ions. My lecture intends to provide an overview of all activities involved by tracking and vertexing with a special emphasis on the description of detection systems and not only detection techniques. We will explore the strategy of several experiments, discover their detectors and the algorithm that allows to transform series of electronics signals into intelligible objects like tracks and vertex. Our conclusion will focus on the performances obtained by present systems and expected by future ones.